[σ][s][н][q] [ω][s][н][q]
More in decoration of ” وَشْق Wshq “ in English:
Decoration of 𝖮𝖲𝖧𝖰 𝖶𝖲𝖧𝖰 style 0OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of OSHQ WSHQ style 1OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝑂𝑆𝐻𝑄 𝑊𝑆𝐻𝑄 style 2OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝘖𝘚𝘏𝘘 𝘞𝘚𝘏𝘘 style 3OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝙾𝚂𝙷𝚀 𝚆𝚂𝙷𝚀 style 4OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝑶𝑺𝑯𝑸 𝑾𝑺𝑯𝑸 style 5OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙌 𝙒𝙎𝙃𝙌 style 6OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of OSHQ WSHQ style 7OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐐 𝐖𝐒𝐇𝐐 style 8OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝗢𝗦𝗛𝗤 𝗪𝗦𝗛𝗤 style 9OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⲞϨⲎ𝓠 ⲰϨⲎ𝓠 style 10OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 🅾🆂🅷🆀 🆆🆂🅷🆀 style 11OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 🄾🅂🄷🅀 🅆🅂🄷🅀 style 12OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝔒𝔖ℌ𝔔 𝔚𝔖ℌ𝔔 style 13OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 🅞🅢🅗🅠 🅦🅢🅗🅠 style 14OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⓄⓈⒽⓆ ⓌⓈⒽⓆ style 15OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝕺𝕾𝕳𝕼 𝖂𝕾𝕳𝕼 style 16OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ᴼᔆᴴQ ᵂᔆᴴQ style 17OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ₒₛₕQ WₛₕQ style 18OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝒪𝒮ℋ𝒬 𝒲𝒮ℋ𝒬 style 19OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of OSHꝹ ϺSHꝹ style 20OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝕆𝕊ℍℚ 𝕎𝕊ℍℚ style 21OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of 𝓞𝓢𝓗𝓠 𝓦𝓢𝓗𝓠 style 22OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⓞⓢⓗⓠ ⓦⓢⓗⓠ style 23OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⒪⒮⒣⒬ ⒲⒮⒣⒬ style 24OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of σsнq ωsнq style 25OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ۰۪۫O۪۫۰۰۪۫S۪۫۰۰۪۫H۪۫۰۰۪۫Q۪۫۰ ۰۪۫W۪۫۰۰۪۫S۪۫۰۰۪۫H۪۫۰۰۪۫Q۪۫۰ style 26OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ̲O̲S̲H̲Q ̲W̲s̲h̲q̲ style 27OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of [̲̅O̲̅].[̲̅S̲̅].[̲̅H̲̅].[̲̅Q̲̅]. .[̲̅W̲̅].[̲̅S̲̅].[̲̅H̲̅].[̲̅Q̲̅]. style 28OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of [σ][s][н][q] [ω][s][н][q] style 29OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⸄σ⸅⸄s⸅⸄н⸅⸄q⸅ ⸄ω⸅⸄s⸅⸄н⸅⸄q⸅ style 30OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⋰σ⋱⋰s⋱⋰н⋱⋰q⋱ ⋰ω⋱⋰s⋱⋰н⋱⋰q⋱ style 31OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ╭σ╮╭s╮╭н╮╭q╮ ╭ω╮╭s╮╭н╮╭q╮ style 32OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ╰σ╮╰s╮╰н╮╰q╮ ╰ω╮╰s╮╰н╮╰q╮ style 33OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ☾σ☽☾s☽☾н☽☾q☽ ☾ω☽☾s☽☾н☽☾q☽ style 34OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⦕σ⦖⦕s⦖⦕н⦖⦕q⦖ ⦕ω⦖⦕s⦖⦕н⦖⦕q⦖ style 35OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⧼σ⧽⧼s⧽⧼н⧽⧼q⧽ ⧼ω⧽⧼s⧽⧼н⧽⧼q⧽ style 36OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ̿σ̿s̿н̿q ̿ω̿s̿н̿q style 37OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⎛σ⎞⎛s⎞⎛н⎞⎛q⎞ ⎛ω⎞⎛s⎞⎛н⎞⎛q⎞ style 38OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⸐σ⸑⸐s⸑⸐н⸑⸐q⸑ ⸐ω⸑⸐s⸑⸐н⸑⸐q⸑ style 39OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ̅σ̅s̅н̅q ̅ω̅s̅н̅q style 40OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of bɥsʍ bɥso style 41OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of OSHQ WSHQ style 42OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ᵒˢʰᵠ ʷˢʰᵠ style 43OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⸄ᵒ⸅⸄ˢ⸅⸄ʰ⸅⸄ᵠ⸅ ⸄ʷ⸅⸄ˢ⸅⸄ʰ⸅⸄ᵠ⸅ style 44OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⋰ᵒ⋱⋰ˢ⋱⋰ʰ⋱⋰ᵠ⋱ ⋰ʷ⋱⋰ˢ⋱⋰ʰ⋱⋰ᵠ⋱ style 45OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ╭ᵒ╮╭ˢ╮╭ʰ╮╭ᵠ╮ ╭ʷ╮╭ˢ╮╭ʰ╮╭ᵠ╮ style 46OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ╰ᵒ╮╰ˢ╮╰ʰ╮╰ᵠ╮ ╰ʷ╮╰ˢ╮╰ʰ╮╰ᵠ╮ style 47OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ☾⏡ᵒ⏡☽☾⏡ˢ⏡☽☾⏡ʰ⏡☽☾⏡ᵠ⏡☽ ☾⏡ʷ⏡☽☾⏡ˢ⏡☽☾⏡ʰ⏡☽☾⏡ᵠ⏡☽ style 48OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ⏡ᵒ⏡ˢ⏡ʰ⏡ᵠ ⏡ʷ⏡ˢ⏡ʰ⏡ᵠ style 49OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ╰ᵒ╯╰ˢ╯╰ʰ╯╰ᵠ╯ ╰ʷ╯╰ˢ╯╰ʰ╯╰ᵠ╯ style 50OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ̿ᵒ̿ˢ̿ʰ̿ᵠ ̿ʷ̿ˢ̿ʰ̿ᵠ style 51OَSHْQ WshqDecoration of ̿̿ᵒ̿̿ˢ̿̿ʰ̿̿ᵠ ̿̿ʷ̿̿ˢ̿̿ʰ̿̿ᵠ style 52OَSHْQ Wshq